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Cfp – Political polarization

Vector of two political leaders, two men debating
Journal: Profesional de la información (EPI) Theme: Political polarization Publication date: November 2023 Manuscript submission deadline: May 10th, 2023

Guest editors

Salomé Berrocal-Gonzalo
Full professor of Journalism
Universidad de Valladolid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Valladolid, Spain

Silvio R. Waisbord
Full professor of Communication
School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University
Washington, United States

Salvador Gómez-García
Associate professor of Journalism
Universidad de Valladolid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Valladolid, Spain

About this theme The global discussion on communication, media and political polarization attracts the attention of researchers from various disciplines, within the growing interest of academics to delve into the phenomenon of populism and the effects of hate speech. The attitudinal and political extremism that incites extremist movements is understood as a result of the ideological distance between candidates, parties and voters marked by the media and the political actors themselves, but also users of social networks that prolong the perception of the public arena as a space of eternal conflict. For researchers in Political Communication, polarization constitutes a negative trend that implies the dominance of party identity over other less exclusive forms of identification and action, and although there is no evidence to argue that the strengthening of the phenomenon is linked to the rise of social media, the increase in the number of investigations that have polarized debates on digital platforms as their object of study reveal, in general terms, their interest in the contemporary academic scene. Topics It is particularly encouraged to submit studies that analyze the problems that arise in the relationship between political polarization and the media with an international perspective. This includes, but is not limited to, research papers that address topics such as: – Models of political polarization and its manifestation in the media. – Influence of News find me on political polarization. – Impact of political polarization on information consumption patterns. – Politainment and infotainment in political polarization. – Strategies to combat political polarization by the different actors in the political ecosystem. – Viral political content distributed through social media and platforms. – Ideological polarization: mobilization and limitations of democracy in the new digital ecosystem. – Strategic uses of entertainment on social networks to promote polarization in online campaigns. – Journalistic innovations aimed at confronting ideological polarization. – Media engagement strategies linked to political polarization. – Evolution of political polarization in the social audience. – Analysis of the influence of informative biases in polarization. Submission of manuscripts If you wish to submit an article, please read carefully the journal’s acceptance criteria and rules for authors: And then submit your article through the OJS journal management program at: IMPORTANT FOR AUTHORS If you are not yet registered as an author, do it here: PRICES EPI will become a full open access journal, without subscribers in January 2023. The journal does not receive any subsidy and will be financed by charging APCs (article processing charges).

Transitional period until December 31, 2022: Manuscripts received until the end of the year will be published in open access, and a provisional reduced APC of €600 will be applied. From January 1, 2023 To manuscripts received after January 1, 2023 the new APC of €1,250 will be applied.

Bilingual publication All the articles of Profesional de la información are published in English and optionally in English + Spanish, the first being the «official» version that is sent to international databases for indexing. Authors can submit a single version for peer review. References’ format To submit an article it is not necessary that the cited bibliographical references be in the format or style of EPI. If approved, the authors will be asked to send the bibliography in the format used by the journal. Evaluation All articles published in EPI are double-blind peer reviewed by two or more members of the journal’s International Scientific Committee, and other reviewers, always external to the Editorial Committee. The journal undertakes to respond with the results of the review.

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